
这个问题,我深圳可以全套的地方可以帮你解决,墨西哥西南部地区,有一种毒草叫“坏女人”学名“Cnidoscolus angustidens”,身上长满尖刺,需要的时候,这些尖刺可以临时充当鱼钩,呵呵!感觉与好老公这名挺般配的,莫如就种它吧!如果你嫌物种难求,还有一种草你应该听说过,国内湘鄂赣地区有一种毒草叫断肠草,吞下这种草肠子能够断成一截一截的,想来要毒死几只老鼠肯定是没问题了。
老鼠会吃你的根类蔬菜早豌豆和豆类蔬菜的种植,以及小吃。 To find out if mice are the culprit, dust the area around the plant with fine sand or white flour and check for tiny footpr上海油压有花头的地方ints.找出如果老鼠是罪魁祸首,周围的灰尘。用细砂或白面粉工厂的面积和检查微小脚印。 To get rid of mice, try physical barriers such as thorny brambles or s深圳喝茶服务hiny, moving objects such as those used to frighten birds.为了摆脱小鼠,尝试棘手的荆棘或有光泽,移动的物体,如用来吓唬鸟的,如物理屏障。 The best deterrent: get a cat!最好的威慑:得到一只猫!
薄荷Cottonballs喷雾一瓶2夸脱水樟脑丸5加仑桶花生酱或生腊肉砖100%的石油或塑料袋块碎布氨 Show More 显示更多 Instructions说明 1 1 Keep cats in or around the yard to keep the mice from entering the garden.保持在院子或周围的猫,防止老鼠进入花园。 2 2 Take a cotton ball and saturate it with 100 percent oil of peppermint.以棉花球,以100%的薄荷油饱和。 Toss the cotton balls around the garden to keep mice away.折腾周围的花园棉球保持老鼠远离。 They hate the smell.他们讨厌的气味。 Replace the cotton balls every two to three weeks with newly saturated cotton balls.更换新饱和棉球棉球每两至三个星期。 3 3 Fill a spray bottle with 2 quarts of water and 1 ounce of 100 percent oil of peppermint and shake well. 2夸脱的水和1盎司100%薄荷油填补一个喷雾瓶,摇匀。 Use the spray in and around the garden with no worries of poisons or pesticides harming your plants.使用毒药或伤害你的植物农药无后顾之忧的喷雾和周围的花园。 Shake well before each use.每次使用前摇匀。 4 4 Tossing mothballs around the garden may also help with getting rid of mice.周围的花园折腾樟脑丸,也可能有助于摆脱小鼠。 Mice can’t see very well so theqm百花丛2021y rely on their sense of smell.老鼠不能看得很清楚,使他们依靠自己的嗅觉。 Since the mothballs have an unpleasant smell, they tend to stay away.由于樟脑丸有一股难闻的气味,他们往往远离
I believe this is the easy way for you — 好老公:Tossing mothballs around the garden may also help with getting rid of mice.周围的花园折腾樟脑丸,也可能有助于摆脱小鼠。 Mice can’t see very well so they rely on their sense of smell.老鼠不能看得很清楚,使他们依靠自己的嗅觉。 Since the mothballs have an unpleasant smell, they tend to stay away.由于樟脑丸有一股难闻的气味,他们往往
防止大鼠花园周围寻找一个家。 Rats live in abandoned cars, furniture and appliances, so remove these from around your garden.大鼠住在废弃的汽车,家具和电器,所以从周围的花园。 Keep your yard clutter-free as well.保持你的堆场以及无杂波。 Rats will also inhabit the area around refuse that has been left lying on the ground, so get rid of that, too.大鼠也将居住区周围垃圾已遗落在地面上。 Pick up after your pets.拿起你的宠物后。 Rats will be attracted to any pet food left outdoors.大鼠将被吸引到任何宠物食品左户外。 This includes bird seed that has fallen to the ground.这包括已经下降到地面的鸟种。 Clean up your pet’s droppings as well—especially dog feces.清理你的宠物的粪便,以及—尤其是狗屎。 3 3 Keep the lid tight on your outdoor garbage cans.保持户外垃圾桶的盖子上紧。 4 4 Place rat traps around the garden.花园周围放置鼠陷阱。 You can either use snap traps or glue traps.你可以使用单元陷阱或胶水陷阱。 广州狼Bait these traps with a small piece of fruit, a chunk of meat or peanut butter.这些诱饵陷阱小块的水果,一大块的肉或花生酱。 Set the traps where you have noticed piles of rat droppings.设置陷阱,你已经注意到了成堆的老鼠屎。 Check the traps twice a day and discard any captured rats in a small plastic bag.每天两次检查陷阱和丢弃任何捕获的老鼠在一个小塑料袋。 Immediately place the bag in an outdoor garbage can.立即放置在室外垃圾桶袋。
Ridding a garden of mice is an ongoing battle.消灭老鼠的花园,是一个持续不断的战斗。 Once you ward off one set of invaders, another generation may appear right behind, following the trails of the first right into the heart of your vulnerable garden.一旦你抵御侵略者,一代又一代,可能会出现后面,到你脆弱的花园的心脏后,右的小径。 Mice may frequent an area as large as 4 acres and produce several litters per year.小鼠可能会​​频繁的面积为4亩大,每年生产几窝。 Predators “捕食者” Step 1第1步 Avoid killing or frightening away native snakes.避免杀害或怯步本地的蛇。 Most states have multiple species of snake that are not poisonous and snakes are very effective at松江哪里按摩 hunting rodents, helping naturally control populations.大多数国家都有多个品种蛇是不是有毒的蛇是非常有效的狩猎啮齿动物,帮助自然控制人口。 Step 2第2步 Build or purchase nesting boxes for owls.建造或购买猫头鹰巢箱。 They are healthy eaters when it comes to rodent dinners.他们是健康的吃,当它来灭鼠晚餐。 Breeding pairs will hunt often to feed their young and owls tolerate some human activity near their area, activity that will drive away other wild predators (such as skunks and weasels).对种鸽会经常打猎养活自己的年轻和猫头鹰容忍一些附近的区域,活动的人类活动,会赶走其他野生食肉动物(如臭鼬和黄鼠狼)。 Step 3第3步 Consider a cat.考虑一只猫。 The cat of the house need not remain a constant presence in the garden.猫的房子,不必保持在花园里不断出现。 If you keep an indoor cat, allow it to roam the perimeter of your planting space.如果你保持室内猫,允许它漫游你的种植空间的周长。 The scent of a predator will help deter rodents and they may seek an easier meal elsewhere.一个捕食者的气味,将有助于阻止啮齿动物和其他地方,他们可能会寻求一个更简单的餐。 Prevention and Sanitation预防和卫生 Step 1第1步 Keep your garden space clean.保持你的花园空间的清洁。 Pick up any loose seed, carry away dead plant material and dispose of bruise广州水疗中心哪里好d or rotting vegetables that may attract rodents.拿起任何松动的种子,带走死亡的植物材料和处置撞伤或腐烂的蔬菜,可能会吸引啮齿动物。 Ensure that all compost used in the garden has broken down completely and that compost piles are constructed to be rodent-proof and managed to rapidly break down food waste.确保在花园里使用的所有堆肥,已完全打破和堆肥修建防鼠和管理,迅速分解食物渣滓。 Keep trash cans covered and away from the area.保持垃圾桶涵盖远离该地区。 Step 2第2步 Pick up around fruit and nut trees.拿起身边的水果和槟榔树。 According to the Washington State University Extension Service, even seed pods from flowering shrubs may attract rats or mice to your yard and, subsequently, your garden.据美国华盛顿州立大学推广服务,豆荚从开花灌木,甚至可能吸引大鼠或小鼠,你的院子里,随后,你的花园。 Step 3第3步 Pick promptly when produce ripens.挑及时农
Step 3第3步 Pick promptly when produce ripens.==Ji Shi Cai Zai.Good Luck with you, darling.
哈哈哈, 您看这不让人省心的好老公一个劲儿地"有没有, 有没有”, 害得我不得不放下所有的事儿来守望夜市。 打不了汉字,还不得不用那蹩脚的翻译软件给她配了啼笑皆非的汉文。。。就 让那娇贵的好老公费神费心稀里糊涂稀里哗啦看去吧, 安静一会儿喽!